Saturday, May 25, 2013

Summer was nice while it lasted

So, we got the boat in for the first race, where we did pretty good with our old sails.

This week, all sorts of shitty weather rolled in, and the race was canceled. Now, it's about 44 degrees out, blowing 20-30, and spitting rain on and off all day. We turned the heat back on in our house, on MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND!!!

Sheesh. I got to wear shorts three days this month. Summer was great, but now I'm back in my winter gear.

And so far we put the new sails on the boat over a week ago, and we still haven't sailed them yet!


At 5/27/2013 12:43 PM, Blogger Doc Häagen-Dazs said...

We might as well not raced yesterday.... Wait! I can't say that!!!!!-

At 5/30/2013 10:27 PM, Blogger CT Bob said...

Yeah, never say that. There's enough days where you don't race, and ya have to take advantage of all the ones you can.


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