Late this morning I saw in the online edition of the paper that a harbor seal was visiting Milford, so I drove over to Silver Sands to see if he was still there.
The li'l fella is about 5 feet long and obviously healthy. He was snoozing for the first 15 minutes after I got there, but then he started lazily rolling around, chewing on shells, and then he put his nose in the water, trying to eat snails. Every so often he'd cast a glance at the big funny animals who walked around nearby on their hind legs, but mostly he ignored us.
The crowd kept back at least 20 feet or so, having been notified that the seal is a protected species and it's against the law to interact with him. Plus, he's got a mouth full of teeth that I bet would easily snap your fingers off.
Here is a little video of the harbor that I made today.
We're ending the first week of February, and the boat is still safely covered. The frame we built this season seems to be high enough to effectively shrug off most of the snow and water, although occasionally I do see a little pooling in spots. I simply set up the ladder and knock it off, and the tarps are holding up nicely in the wind.
The last few days has seen the cold spell we've had all year continue. This week the nighttime temperatures dipped into the single digits, and it hasn't gotten above freezing for nearly five days now. The harbor is icing up, but it's not very thick yet. This weekend it should warm up a bit, but we're still in a cold pattern.